You need to prove to your parents that you understand how to be safe on the Internet and you will only have one chance to do so. At the next PTO meeting, you and your team will present a PowerPoint presentation that covers Internet Safety.
To accomplish this goal, you and your team will each choose a different role and gather information about four different aspects of the Internet.
You must become an expert in your area so that you are able to persuade your parents to vote in favor of allowing the Internet back into the classroom.
The final conclusion in your PPT must highlight 10 RULES FOR INTERNET SAFETY that you will show in a poster for your classroom.
1-Record your assignments on the role sheet. Send this sheet to your teacher in your Classroom
2-As a group look over the PowerPoint Presentation rubric to make sure you understand exactly what is expected of you (Evaluation)
3-Return to the role which you have been assigned and review what is expected for your person. Make sure and look over the questions related to your topic.
4-Use the weblinks provided to answer your specific questions. Think about any other possible questions parents might have about this area or topic. You can use other links, not only the links provided, but don't forget to show the origin of the info. Also make sure to keep an eye out for possible additions to your Top 10 List of ways to stay safe on the internet.
5-After you have all your questions answered, you will meet with other people with the same topic in your class and compare notes. You can clarify answers to questions.
6-Each member of the group must create one - two - three slides pertaining to his/her area of expertise. Create your presentation using no background or special fonts; as a group, you will decide upon font, background, color scheme, etc.
7-All members of the group should check ALL pages to make sure everything is correct (spelling, grammar, formatting). You will receive a group grade for the PowerPoint! Each person is responsible for presenting the information on his/her page.
The presentation score will be individual.
8-Compile your list of the Top 10 ways to stay safe on the internet and use it as your conclusion/final slide.
9-Finally, you'll have to create a poster with 10 Rules for Internet Safety.
The poster will get a group grade.