Assign 4 ROLES :
Give the name of the member of the group. For example, Cyberbully Jonathan- Netiquette Ana- Social Pedro-Chatty Maria
1-Cyberbully A
2-Netiquette B
3-Social C
4- Chatty D
Review the roles as a group and then decide which role each member of your team will play.
Role / Task
You are nice in person, but online-watch out! You take advantage of the anonymity of the internet to let your mean side take over, saying things to people you would NEVER say face to face. It's time to find out the consequences of your actions and the steps to prevent them.
1. Define cyberbullying.
2. Give two examples of cyberbullying.
3. Name two things you should do if you are being cyberbullied.
4. Name two things you can do to prevent cyberbullying.
5. If someone sends you a mean or threatening message, explain why you shouldn't respond. What should you do instead?
Role / Task
You are always trying to be as nice as you can be. You have learned all the rules of proper etiquette in your day-to-day experience. But you sometimes hurt other people's feelings online accidentally. It's time to learn how to correspond properly online so there is no miscommunication.
1.Define netiquette.
2.What is the basic rule of netiquette?
3.What is a flame war and is this okay?
4.Name two things you should remember about being online related to netiquette.
5.Why should you stay away from using all capital letters?
6.What is an emoticon and why would you use them? Give an example.
7. What should you do before forwarding personal emails or messages to others?
Role / Task
You love communicating on the Internet. You can spend hours on social networking websites. However, you don't really know that sometimes such website can be dangerous. It's time to learn to keep yourself safe.
1. What is a social network website?
2. Give two social network website examples.
3. What is one good thing about social networking?
4. Who should you add as friends?
5. Why should you be careful about what types of photos you post?
6. What can you do to keep others from contacting you or looking at your information?
7.What specific information should you not post or give out?
8. What should you do if someone is making you feel uncomfortable?
Role / Task
You sometimes go to chat rooms and social networking sites, and just for fun, strike up conversations with strangers. However, you are not aware that this is like opening up your front door to people you don't know. It's time to learn what information you need to keep personal to stay safe.
1. Name 4 examples of private information that should not be posted or given out.
2. What kind of information is okay to give out over the internet?
3. If you ever get involved in a chat room conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable or in danger for any reason, what should you do?
4. Name two ways you and other students can reduce the risk of being targeted by an online predator.
5. What should you do if someone online asks you to meet him or her in person?6. When creating a screen name, what should you consider? Give an example of a good and bad screen name for yourself.
Use the weblinks provided to answer your specific questions. Think about any other possible questions parents might have about this area or topic. Also make sure to keep an eye out for possible additions to your Top 10 List of ways to stay safe on the internet.