An informal essay or letter is usually sent between people who know each other. There are a lot of similarities between informal emails and conversations. That's why you can find slang and contractions in an informal email. The structure of an informal email is very simple. First, personal details: From: To: Subject: planning holidays
You start with a colloquial greeting Hi! Hey! Hello, Denis!
Then you add some opening remarks What's up? How are things going on?/Sorry I haven't written sooner
The body of the email provides information, news, answers previous questions, adds details.
Finally, you can add some closing remarks That's all for now. I can't wait to hear from you soon and I promise to answer quickly next time!
The last lines are for signing off Lots of love Best regards Your name
-Hi! / Hey! / Hello, -What's up? /What's new with you? -How are you doing? -Sorry I haven't wriiten sooner -You'll never believe ... -Recently / This last week , I ... -What do you think about ...? /Would you ...? -Be in touch. -Hope to hear from you soon -I can't wait to hear from you -Write soon -Lots of love -Best regards