A WebQuest for 4 th course of ESO and 1st course of Bachillerato (English )
Designed by:
Mª Antonia Serna & Mª Ignacia Funes
Skills : written and oral expression and written comprehension
Addressed to A2 and B1 ((MECR)
Do you like Science fiction/ Adventure films? Are you interested in Star wars?
Then, we invite you to surf this page and try to do this WebQuest.
This time you are going to know more about this film through the Internet.
In pairs or groups of three, you are going to find out more things about this movie and its characters.
With the information you find, you will have to invent a totally different ending, describing what the characters will be like, the landscape, the new world, …..
For this WebQuest, you will have 100 minutes.
Have Fun!!!!
First of all, you have to answer these questions (as a warming up) and find out:
Which is the original title for Star War I ?
How many prizes did it get?
Who got a Razzie prize?
When was it shown for the first time in the cinema?
Get the first banner for the film.
Find a brief summary about the First Episode
Write at least three taglines for Star Wars.
You can use the following resources:
More Resources
So, you think you know everything about Star Wars.
Let' s see how well you do on this quiz.
And finally, see what Super cool Star wars character you are by taking this personality test.
Are you a Yada? Darth Vader? Darth Sidious? Jar Jar Binks?
It is in here where students write all their different endings
(teacher can chose the best one or just at random )
You will be graded on the following:
Working in group 25%
Lay out 25%
English 50%
We hope you have enjoyed with this Web Quest.
Maybe, next time you will be able to think in another topic you are interested in and we will do our best to make it true. You only have to let us know in our SUGGESTIONS Box
mariaignacia.funes@educarm.es antonia.serna@educarm.es